Nursing Career

Nursing Career Planning
Nursing Career Planning
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, ” said the Cat. by Lewis Carroll Whether or not you plan it, your nursing career and your life will happen. Even if you pay no attention to your career, it will mosey along. But at the…
Nursing Career Mapping
Nursing Career Mapping
It is wise to periodically revisit how you’ve managed your nursing career , which is defined as your work path or journey. While some hospitals and healthcare organizations do a good job of providing career progression tools and professional development opportunities, YOU have to manage your career in…
Nursing 4 Times a Day
Nursing 4 Times a Day
TL;DR version: My 4 month old has been refusing to nurse during the day for over a month. He latches on for a few seconds, then pulls away and cries. He is exclusively breastfed. I have tried many different things, but I can t figure out why this is happening or how to fix it. Hello, This is my first…
Nursing Career Goals
Nursing Career Goals
I did not have a single one for most of my 30 years in the nursing profession. Why not, you ask? Because when I first started out as an RN I thought I would be a staff nurse for my entire career. At the time I loved working on a busy oncology floor at a teaching hospital and I thought I would be there…