Nursing Career Paths
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In the Future of Nursing report published by the Institute of Medicine, it is recommended that health care facilities throughout the United States increase the proportion of nurses with a BSN to 80 percent and double the number of nurses with a DNP by the year 2020. Research shows that nurses who are prepared at baccalaureate and graduate degree levels are linked to lower readmission rates, shorter lengths of patient stay, and lower mortality rates in health care facilities.
What does the job market look like for RNs who are looking to advance their careers?
We tackle this question in our latest infographic, “Career Paths for RNs, ” where we look in-depth at the three higher education paths RNs can choose from to advance their careers — Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, and Doctor of Nursing Practice.
Founded in 1881, Concordia College–New York is a four-year, coeducational Christian-based institution offering a value-oriented, liberal arts education.
The Concordia Experience engages...

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